

The school head is charged with the general supervision and each department head is equally supervision to subordinate staff. But other urgent and instant majors of minutes by minute’s supervisions employed. These are:

Surveillance cameras in each of the classes watching all teaching and learning interaction, this is seen life (real time network) by the supervisor, all administrative and academic offices including the proprietress and neighboring house are watch via VIDEO SENDER.

Digital video recorder (1terrabite HDD) is equally positioned; every minute of teaching in IMAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS, is recorded and is in record and library for (parents, teachers and pupils).

Iman International School is equally supervised by NGO’s, ministry of education and other educational bodies, parents and community members have a role in this. The importance of security cannot be under estimated and as such the school management has made adequate provision for security infrastructure.

Each class has been provided with a security camera to capture daily events and to also help in evaluating teaching methodologies thereafter.

Nursery 1 class at Iman international schools, Sokoto

The major entrance to the school has been provided with advanced security processes which include finger print identification for each pupil entering or leaving the school premises with a CCTV recording technique

The schools authority engaged a private guard company (Proton) and equipped with surveillance cameras around the school premises to effectively secure parent vehicles against theft and play ground to adequately monitor the movement of the student and tutors. They have alongside principal staff been provided with radio communication equipment for integrated communication and security.


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